Thursday, 6 August 2009

Author's Note . . .

Tomorrow we're off to Scotland. I don't know if we have internet at our accommodations there (Chris seems to think not) so the blog may be quite quiet for a couple of days. What I will try to do, is write my blog offline and then post a massive entry when I arrive back here Monday. Tuesday we will be headed off on the road trip, but I know we have internet for most of those days so the blog and communications shouldn't be too interrupted then. Have a great weekend!


  1. What will I look forward to reading in your absence?

  2. Hi Juliane, Finally home for a few days and am catching up on all of your journal entries! I am captivated by your adventures! Have fun in Scotland!

  3. Hi Juliane:

    Look forward each day to your wonderful blogs.
    Have great fun in Scotland.

  4. It was so great hearing your voice today...Chin up//stiff upper lip and all that...London will always be there for you...enjoy Wales and Scotland instead of being "homesick"...thanks for doing that for Ed...I am home now and just caught up on your blog.

  5. Juliane have a great time in Scotland. Take lots of pictures
